From the creators of

Scalable subnets for fast and secure data storage

Scalable subnets for fast and secure data storage

Build cutting-edge decentralized applications with Basin's high-throughput data layer, powered by the Filecoin network.

Delivering speed, security, and storage capacity

The premier Filecoin object storage interface, offering unparalleled throughput and data availability atop the world's largest decentralized storage network.

The data L2 with a complete solution to power decentralized application developers.

Verifiable Data

Cryptographic security guarantees your data remains tamper-proof and authentic, fostering trust and transparency.

Data Availability

High-throughput, S3-compatible architecture ensures your data is always accessible when you need it with cryptographic proofs.

Cost Effective

Pay only for what you use with Basin's competitive on-chain pricing model, seamlessly scaling your storage needs as you grow.

Advanced Collaboration

Enhance collaboration with programmable rules for data sharing and access that can be tailored to your specific needs.


Data protocols that empower AI/ML builders, decentralized compute networks, and DePINs to innovate, collaborate, and grow faster.

Optimize AI/ML Workflows

Unleash AI and ML potential through an open network: permission collaborative access, monetize datasets, and guarantee long-term, irrefutable data integrity.

Scale Decentralized Compute

Empower compute networks with Basin: Ensure immediate and long-term proof of data availability for ML/AI training and dispute resolution, fostering open collaboration and verifiable integrity.

Enhance the DePIN Data Economy

Basin streamlines data delivery from diverse real-world sources like IoT devices into decentralized storage, enhancing verifiability and enabling collaboration and monetization.

Join other developers building with Basin

Manolis Nikiforakis (WeatherXM)


“The Textile/Tableland team has provided tremendous help to our project, especially with their latest product Basin, which allows us to utilize the super powerful yet complex decentralized file storage infrastructure of Filecoin to store our weather data respecting the cryptographic proofs generated by our hardware stations.”

Xinxin Fan (IoTex)


“Textile’s Basin provides a high throughput, cost-effective and verifiable storage solution for the emerging modular DePIN infrastructure and perfectly match the needs of DePIN applications with respect to data availability and long-term storage.”

Molly Mackinlay (Filecoin)


"Textile Basin is an awesome new breakthrough for the whole Filecoin Ecosystem - delivering hot, fast storage to DePIN, Compute, and AI networks, all powered by Filecoin!”

Preview of our solution today

While our full suite of features are rolling out through 2024, with enhanced decentralization to follow, you can start using our solution today.

Check out the first version of this solution, code named Basin with our interactive demo or gain practical experience with the Basin CLI tool.


Transfer funds to the subnet to register account, using the root chain’s (Filecoin) native token


Create an object store with access controls on who can write data.


Push key-value pairs to the object store, which get signed & replicated across the network with availability guarantees


Fetch objects from the network for additional processing

Our Partners

Join us as we build the future of data, together.