From the creators of

Scale Decentralized Compute

Basin propels decentralized compute networks, providing a reliable and secure data framework that ensures data availability, builds trust, and supports collaboration across AI and ML communities.

Basin propels decentralized compute networks, providing a reliable and secure data framework that ensures data availability, builds trust, and supports collaboration across AI and ML communities.

In decentralized compute environments, quick and reliable access to datasets is non-negotiable—whether for training AI models, executing complex computations, or handling dispute resolution. Basin delivers not only immediate data access but also safeguards long-term data integrity, enabling easy collaboration and verifiable results across networks.


Immediate Data Availability

With Basin’s infrastructure, data flows rapidly and reliably, ensuring that datasets are always on hand for time-sensitive compute tasks. This immediate availability is vital for avoiding disputes and maintaining trust within decentralized networks, empowering real-time decision-making and streamlining AI/ML operations.

Long-Term Proof Data Availability

Basin’s integration with Filecoin guarantees that data is not just stored but is certifiably intact over the long term. This setup provides researchers and developers with the confidence to revisit historical data for many use cases, such as training AI models.

Open Collaboration

By democratizing data access, Basin facilitates open exchange of information. This openness is essential for fostering collaborative efforts among disparate research entities and developers, thereby accelerating innovation within the AI/ML landscape.


Synthetic Data Generation

Explore how to create synthetic data using Basin’s high-throughput storage—derived from live sources such as WeatherXM’s data vault. Check out the demo here.


textileio •Updated 1 month ago

Quality-of-Data Compute Pipeline

See how WeatherXM enhances data reliability using Basin, ensuring their AI models are fed with high-integrity data. Learn about their process on GitHub.


machinefi •Updated 1 month ago

Proving Data Availability

Discover how Basin guarantees both immediate and enduring data availability—crucial for AI applications in decentralized settings. Read about our innovative solutions here.